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August 09, 2012


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Steve Jones

Great insights David. What might not be known to many is that a few years ago Porter announced that they were abandoning their "promo codes" and discontinuing sales.
Within a few months, the promo codes and sales were back.
Porter is a fantastic airline. They have great service, comfortable planes, excellent staff, free beer and wine on board, and even iMacs in their lounge (which all passengers are welcome to use).
But their reliance on discounting is both sad and dangerous.

David Meerman Scott

Hi Steve - thanks for jumping in. Yes, the service is great. I would fly them again. But I think the constant sales cheapens the experience. In addition, they only use the email channel to pimp the sales when it could be so much more effective!


I suppose that we should be expecting JC Penny to be dropping their "Apple" strategy and start with the sales again. When I heard about that strategy I knew it wouldn't last.

When marketers are in very competitive markets they tend to get into a race to the bottom. They "spend" more by discounting, rather than improve their merchandise selection, their advertising, or in the case of retail their displays.

Thanks for the insight.


I never understand when companies treat customers differently depending on what channel that customers or lead found them on.

I have to agree that more companies take Porter Airlines approach when it comes to email marketing and this makes those on the Email list not interested in any communication.

Colin Warwick

Hi David, I hear you... but this isn't the worst sin airlines commit. It's not even the poor in flight service nor economy seats constructed from a bed of nails. No, it's the out-and-out lying. "Your flight is delayed 17 minutes." when it turns out your plane hasn't even left Laguardia yet and hasn't a hope in hell of even arriving in Pittsburgh at least two hours after its scheduled departure time. They know for a fact that two "later" flights will leave before your "earlier" flight, but they don't have the honesty to tell you and give you the opportunity to catch them. Airlines are liars. Email content is a secondary effect. Let's fix the lying first.

David Schultz

you know who is doing a great job with this kind of marketing (not necessarily email specific) is the people over at Nest thermostats. http://www.nest.com/blog

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