by Jordan J. Caron | on August 12th, 2012

I’ve found some good articles for you from this past week. The common themes are:
- content marketing
- adding value
- using both the above to stand out
Offering value through content marketing and then spreading that content on your social networks is the only way to stand out.
People’s news feeds and Twitter streams are crowded. You have to do something valuable for them to care about you and click on your articles.
I’ve also put a good article on why having too many sales isn’t a great way to build loyal customers and increase your profits.
Be cautious of having too many sales
Say thank you to your customers but don’t have a hidden agenda
If you’re not going to create content, should you at least share relevant content from others?
Are you guilty of any of these mistakes?
The future of social media is offering value to stand out
by Jordan J. Caron | on August 8th, 2012

If your clients ask you questions, this post is for you.
You also must be blogging for this to work.
Don’t have a blog yet? Get on it! Because blogging for business and content marketing are taking over.
This strategy will allow you to rank quickly for targeted keywords. Great news for those who are in a crowded marketplace and have too many competitors’ websites to leap frog in the search rankings.
Continue reading to learn about an SEO strategy that will have profound results for your lead generation.
The Cookie Cutter SEO Strategy
Everyday people are turning to Google. They’re looking for your service.
Most business owners and service providers know that. When they think SEO, they think people are searching for providers like “Los Angeles divorce lawyer” or “Pittsburgh life insurance”.
People are searching those terms. A lot of them too. But the price and time to reach the top search results for those terms (keywords) is high.
Also this strategy is cookie cutter in my opinion. Everyone targets those keywords. And that’s why it’s so competitive.
You should aspire to stand out. Not follow the crowd.
Let me introduce you to the SEO strategy that will yield profound results. I’m 95% certain your competitors aren’t using this strategy.
Answer My Question Google!
Yes people are searching “Los Angeles divorce laywer”. But they are also searching to find out answers to their questions and problems.
Answer those questions for them!
The easiest way to do this is write down every question a client asks you. Also write down questions potential clients might be asking.
What you do next is simply answer that question by writing a blog post about it. The keyword you then target is that question.
So simple. What’s extremely beneficial about this is a qualified lead is landing on your blog post. They get their question answered and their happy.
It doesn’t stop there though. Perhaps this question has other questions tied to it. If you have a ‘recommended posts‘ plugin or links to other blog posts in the blog post they landed on, they can read more of your blog posts.

The longer they’re on your site, the better your chances are of landing that person as a client. That is of course if your website is properly optimized for generating leads.
Example Time
I read a great post on Marcus Sheridan’s blog last month. The topics were blogging and content. In the comment section I saw a wonderful testimonial for this SEO strategy.

My next example comes from Insurance Agent and internet marketer Ryan Hanley. He did the exact same thing I’ve explained in this post for his companies blog and the results are astounding.
And lastly I want to show my Peerless Golf blog’s Google analytics report for July 2012.

There is a slight problem with this SEO strategy which is known as targeting longtail keywords. But it can be easily overcome.
You’ll be targeting people from all over the world. Here’s a screenshot of the visitors locations.

Not exactly targeted. However I can easily change my settings through my Google Webmasters tools account to target searchers in a specific country.

If you don’t have Webmaster tools setup, do it know by reading this post.
So you’ll receive visitors from all over your home country. But in the example a few images above, Ryan Apsy and his shoulder pain found a Doctor who blogged about shoulder problems in his city. Depending on your average bill of sale or the lifetime value of a client, the ROI on even 5 people doing business with through your blog is massive.
The Ball Is in Your court
I’ll leave you with this. Write down every question you can think of when it comes to your business or service. Then get blogging!
by Jordan J. Caron | on July 15th, 2012
new series of blog posts. The concept is easy. It’s going to be the Top 5 Weekly Marketing articles.
I’m calling it “While You Were Working”. And they’ll be published every Sunday afternoon in North America.
The weekend is almost over and for many, it’s back to work tomorrow. But when you’re winding down on a Sunday evening, take 15 minutes to read the articles I’ve posted for you.
My goal is to generate some ideas to better market your business. So hopefully the articles will give you inspiration and get the
I understand that you may not have time to keep up to date on the latest in the marketing world. Not to worry, I’ve got you covered!
I do my best to find the most relevant marketing articles so you don’t have too. You man the fort and I’ll supply the content.
Sound good? Great!
The Goods
Use this idea to inspire better usage of your Facebook pages images

Smart Car Turns Facebook Images Into a Flipbook
Focus On The Quality of Your Content Management
What It Takes For Your Brand’s Videos to Get Noticed
Focus on Your Customers when using Social Networking Sites
5 Ways Brands Are Using Pinterest to Authentically Connect With People
What Do You Think?
Do you like this concept? If so, what type or articles are you looking for?