A Free Email Marketing Service you Should be Using


The best free email service provider out there

Email is far from dead. People think that just because there is so much spam mail nowadays that people hate email.

Some do. But everyone still checks his or her email. In fact I really think that because people hate spam mail so much, they’ll only give it out if they really want something. So if someone joins your email list, they want more useful content from you.

Sure your email subscribers might not grow to match your Twitter followers or Facebook. With Facebook EdgeRank choosing if your posts are being seen or not and the average life of a Tweet being fairly low, email is a great alternative to avoid the clutter of social media posts.

If you happen to think email is dead or not useful in your business then this post isn’t for you. But you should still be trying to generate leads from your website!

If you want to increase your email marketing, read that last link and use Mailchimp to start out. Mailchimp is another free Internet marketing tool aside from Google Analytics and Webmaster tools. Obviously using something for free to test the waters with is a great way to do it.

Why Mailchimp rocks!

Mailchimp is great because it almost all the capabilites of Awber (affiliate link) which is what I use. With Mailchimp you can:

  • Use pre made email templates
  • Customize and brand your own
  • Create web forms to capture email address
  • Track and analyze visitor impressions of web forms
  • Integrate your blog feed into a email newsletter
  • Send automated emails after a certain day people joined your list
  • Track and analyze how many people open your emails
  • Set up different email lists

Their online support is fairly decent as well. But I personally think a how to video is better if you have no experience with Mailchimp.

Here’s a great video from Serana Leonard from Grass Roots Internet Strategy

As Serena mentioned in the video you can only have up to 2000 free subscribers. After that they have to get paid because not everything can be free.

None the less it made my top 10 list for the best free Internet marketing tools you can use. Enjoy!

While You Working 002 – 5 Marketing Articles You Missed This Week

While You Were Working

If you missed it, here’s the link to the top weekly marketing articles.
This is a way for me to give you the most relevant articles from the past week. With so much content being spread around the internet these days it can he hard to find the good stuff. Especially since most of the marketing articles are geared towards bigger brands.
But this is what I do. I follow marketing closely and read about it whenever I can. In the end you get top shelf marketing articles!
Now for week two.

The Goods

Why Content Marketing Will Make Your Small Business Sexy
Why We’re Valuing Facebook Fans All Wrong
This Is What The Sales Funnel Should Look Like
How To Measure ROI For Networking Events
Learn From Automobile Makers On How To Increase Your Facebook Page Engagement

While You Were Working 001 – 5 Marketing Articles You Missed

While You Were Working new series of blog posts. The concept is easy. It’s going to be the Top 5 Weekly Marketing articles.
I’m calling it “While You Were Working”. And they’ll be published every Sunday afternoon in North America.
The weekend is almost over and for many, it’s back to work tomorrow. But when you’re winding down on a Sunday evening, take 15 minutes to read the articles I’ve posted for you.
My goal is to generate some ideas to better market your business. So hopefully the articles will give you inspiration and get the
I understand that you may not have time to keep up to date on the latest in the marketing world. Not to worry, I’ve got you covered!
I do my best to find the most relevant marketing articles so you don’t have too. You man the fort and I’ll supply the content.
Sound good? Great!

The Goods

Use this idea to inspire better usage of your Facebook pages images

Smart Car Turns Facebook Images Into a Flipbook
Focus On The Quality of Your Content Management
What It Takes For Your Brand’s Videos to Get Noticed
Focus on Your Customers when using Social Networking Sites
5 Ways Brands Are Using Pinterest to Authentically Connect With People

What Do You Think?

Do you like this concept? If so, what type or articles are you looking for?

3 Unconventinial Ways To Increase Engagement On Your Facebook Business Page

Increase your Facebook engagement

Engagement on your Facebook page is important.

The main feature of Facebook is being able to direct connect with people.

It can also give you provide feedback and let you know why people like your business.

My last post on how to improve Facebook engagement was the practical way to do so. I discuss why researching your previous updates is the best way to see what’s worked and not worked.

If you’ve tried that and are still getting little engagement, you’ll agree that things need to be switched up.

We want your EdgeRank score as high as possible for every status update. To make that happen your updates need shares, likes and comments. That’s how Facebook determines what shows up in peoples news feeds.

Here are a few different things you can use to increase engagement.

You might think they’re silly and have nothing to do with your business and sales. They don’t and that’s the point. You’re reading this because you need to change your posting strategy.

These ideas are about increasing conversation and engagement. When online you should have a networking and conversation mindset. When you network you talk about anything.

I’ll explain the hidden agenda behind these ideas at the end and why focusing on creating conversations will help get the rest of your updates seen.


Charming the Facebook Gatekeeper so your updates get seen

How To Improve Facebbok engagement

It’s frustrating not getting any comments, likes or shares.

You post an insightful link and tumbleweeds blow by. You let everyone know about a new product or sale you’re having and you hear nothing but crickets.

No matter what you post there’s very little in the way of comments or engagement. You might think this will change when you get more likes. Well I’ve already talked about how the need for social proof and more likes can really hurt your updates from getting seen.

Instead focus on increasing engagement with your current followers. This will give your updates a better opportunity to be seen by the fans you do have. Getting more engagement drives your Facebook EdgeRank score up and allows your updates to be seen more often in peoples news feeds.

So how can you generate more engagement on Facebook?

Read on and I’ll explain a practical way to do just that. (more…)