Reasons why blogging for business is a must

Image courtesy Andy Piper via Flickr

Blogs will continue to thrive in a world of meaningful marketing.

They’re really no different then a newspaper.

You can use a blog to inform, educate and connect with potential customers.

Yet I’m amazed to see how many businesses don’t have a blog or have stopped blogging altogether.

The rise of Web 2.0

When blogs first popped up around the late 90’s they seemed to be the rage. This was the beginning of the second generation of the internet where everyone had a voice.

Noticing this a lot of businesses jumped on the blog bandwagon. Most did so without a plan, purpose or meaning.

I’m sure many of those businesses wanted to use the blog as a way to market to their customers more. Since social media has come a long and taken over the world, they’ve stopped blogging.

Heck some businesses didn’t even bother to blog and opted straight for social media.

Obviously I can see why. Your customers are on Facebook and Twitter so it’s natural to be where they are.

That’s all fine and dandy but if you want to build a loyal online community it’s all about a blog.

No matter what situation you’re in with your business, blogging is a most important component of social media.

Why? Because your blog is the foundation and your home base. (more…)

Social Media Would Make Don Draper Pissed

Social media killed these!

Social media engagement is the new focus group.

Don Draper would lose it of he found out about social media.

Why? Because no business would need to hire his agency to conduct focus groups now that social media is here!

It boggles my mind that businesses don’t use Social Media to learn more about their customers’ wants and desires.

I want you to understand why engagement will benefit your followers and improve their lives.
