Is My Domain Expired?
Spam. It’s every where.
We’ve all seen our fair share of spam. Including SEO companies reaching out to offer you “Page 1” rankings. Heck, I even get these emails despite having great local rankings.
But there another form of spam out there and I’ve been asked by some of my current clients if it’s legit. It has to do with your domain registration and if your domain is expired.
So what does this spam look like? Here is an email my client just received.
The email will seem pretty legit at first and if you’re not careful, you could waste your money. Worse yet you could give a website your credit card details.
Also to note the pricing. $67 is about $50 overpriced for domain registrations for a year. GoDaddy charges $14 for year.
So how can you answer the question of “Is my domain expired?” The first step would be to login to your domain registrar’s account and find out there.
If you don’t remember who you registered the domain with or forget your login details, go to and type in your domain name in the top right and click “WHOIS”.
This will tell you both who you registered the domain with and when it expires. It even tells you where the website is hosted.
WhoIs is great resource for many reasons. Obviously the main being to know when your domain expires so you can avoid spam and getting taken.