How to Setup and use Google Analytics
I recently picked up Optimize by Lee Odden. It’s a book about content marketing which is the biggest buzzword going around these days.
For good reason though.
People like Marcus Sheridan, John Morgan and Lee have been preaching content production for a while now.
Providing valuable content can increase your brand awareness. Content that aims to help and educate people rather than interrupting them.
That in essence is what meaningful marketing is all about. Help and provide value to people rather than interrupt them.
Not A Content Marketing Post
This isn’t going to be a post about content marketing however. Ok, maybe it is.
While I was reading Optimize, Lee mentioned the importance of having a content strategy. Something hit me right then.
“I don’t have a content strategy!”
I blog whenever an idea and the motivation comes to me. That’s not much of a content strategy. It’s driving a few people to this site and for some of you to subscribe to my updates. Thanks to those of you who have subscribed!
But I need to do a better job. For you and me both. My blog is based on educating you about the world of Internet marketing.
Thanks to Google Analytics and those who have responded to my email questionnaire (thanks to Mark Caunter and his wife who run and Jeff Hilliard who runs, I’ve realized that you might be fairly new to Internet marketing.
With that in mind, I thought that my content over the next month should cover the ten best free Internet marketing tools you need to be using.
So here we go!
Google Analytics
I never was an analytical guy. Back in my golf course days I could be seen staring out the window. Not a thought in my brain.
That all changed after I finished school. I started to think more about how I could improve each business I set foot into. The mice were turning the wheel upstairs.
Well this analytical mind I now own can hurt me. But when it comes to Internet marketing, it’s great!
Take my example of how I was able to determine what types of people are visiting this site. Google analytics is able to tell you what search terms people are using to land on your website.
This is important, would you agree? Of course it is!
There are few other very important reasons why you should have Google analytics running on your site. But for right now here’s a video showing you how to set it up.
If you’re reading this through my email newsletter, you’ll have to click through to this blog post on my site to view the video’s below. Click here to do that!
And in this video I will show you what areas you need to focus on when analyzing your websites traffic.
Not Provided keywords?!
In the above video I talked about the “not provided” keyword. Here’s a blog post where you can at least find out what page those people land on when they search whatever keyword it is.
Hopefully you enjoyed this post and found it useful. Google analytics can give you such valuable information about your online marketing efforts.
Head over to Jason Acidre’s blog and his post on how to develop conversation-orientated link building strategies using Google Analytics. In that post he shows you a lot of other features in Analytics.
Surely you see the value in that.
If you’re new here, be sure to sign up for my email newsletter below or in the top right hand corner of this screen. That way you’ll be able to receive the other nine parts in the series on the 10 best free internet marketing tools.
Until then, get analyzing!